books by the author
The Author
Jacqueline widmar stewart
The second edition
Finding Slovenia
A Guide to Old Europe’s Young Country
Now in its 7th printing, the award-winning book guides visitors to a rich enjoyment of a spectacular land. Slovenians prize their mountains, forests, and seacoast, and welcome others to join them in lifting both glass and fork. Castles, thermal springs, riverside walkways, and charming architecture reflect the country’s long cultural heritage of natural and historic preservation.
First published in 2009, with 7 print runs
Now available from publisher Mladinska knjiga
Online & in bookstores in Slovenia
Hardcover $29.95, ISBN: 978-961-01-0851-1 | Click here to order
Mines, Temples & Parklands
in Celtic Europe
What you will discover in the final book from the HIDDEN WOMEN series: Gold, abbeys, and imperial perils all come together in this last Hidden Women book as the author tracks her grandparents’ escape from Europe. On both sides of the ocean, the turn-of-the-20th-century shares grisly similarities. Like the treatment of women, miners’ lives too mirror whether justice is open to all or only male overlords.
Publication date March 5, 2024
Hardcover ISBN 979-8883121684 — $39.95
Paperback ISBN 979-8883479983 — $32.00
Kindle ASIN B0CWYR72SD — $3.95
Page count 280 pages
Genre/Subgenre Nonfiction/Travel & History
Hidden women
Legacies of a free celtic europe
Christian conquerors have given many accounts of what happened over the past 2000 years. The conquerors told it wrong, though, because a plethora of evidence controverts their accounts. It seems increasingly apparent that Christianity subjugated Europe’s native Celtic populations.
Archeology offers a much different picture of Europe than the Christian version: a rich, flourishing, pre-Christian, secular Celtic culture based on commerce and equity spread all across Europe and the British Isles. Under the banner of religion, invaders repeatedly attack and displace these European residents. Untold numbers of people have to flee their homelands. Why does this happen even now?
Paperback $24.95, ISBN: 979-8388800442 | Click here to order
Hardcover $35.00, ISBN: 979-8389322738 | Click here to order
Hidden women
Charlemagne’s celtic domain
Recent finds shine a new light on Charlemagne. The head of the Holy Roman Empire was not holy, never Roman, and no emperor. Instead, he and his family all founded secular abbeys - including his mother, grandmother, and sister - in the days before abbeys excluded women. While that might be nice to know, it is also crucial to confront what really happened in the past in order to deal with the world now. Iron Age artifacts are showing that women helped Celtic culture run at full capacity.
Paperback $24.95, ISBN: 979-8642223307 | Click here to order
Frankish Splendor & Valor in Celtic Europe
From Pannonia to the Rhineland, traces of the Frank family dot Europe. Renown for their role in freeing Celtic residents from the Roman Imperial occupation as well as for their ancient viticultural talents, the Franks’ name is also stamped on hot springs wellness villages. This study looks at the wide-ranging Frankish legacy that is still visible today.
Paperback $24.95, ISBN: 978-1710294163 | Click here to order
Celtic Burgundy & Europe
In defense, wine, poetry, and tapestry, the Burgundians have been a leading European family at least since the Iron Age. Their heroic epic writings shine a light into a deeply darkened age and their well-guarded 15th-century library collection gives a rare secular view into an age paralyzed by church-state heresy laws. Millefleurs tapestry produced in the flourishing 1400s allows invaluable insights into the venerated role of the female in the Celtic society.
Paperback $24.95, ISBN: 978-1731089977 | Click here to order
A History of Europe, Celts & Freedom
As archeological evidence reveals an advanced European civilization that thrived before the Roman takeover, the picture of a connected, innovative world without borders emerges. Men and women worked side-by-side and were venerated as defenders, heroes, and inventors. This overview of pre-Christian Europe examines the reasons for the vast differences in the treatment of women, then and now.
Paperback $25.99, ISBN: 97819735597-4-0 | Click here to order
Champagne Regained
The enchantment of the vineyard has long captivated Europe, as archaeological digs increasingly show. From growers to vintners, women have developed both viticulture and the trade of champagne. Going back to the roots of France’s idyllic region, the author paints a pictorial and narrative context for the sparkling elixir and the storied tradition of the grape.
Hardcover $78.00, ISBN 978-3-936681-62-8 | Click here to order
Parks and Gardens in Greater Paris
For over 350 years Parisians have designed and preserved phenomenal public outdoor spaces. In this book, Jacqueline Widmar Stewart follows the fine-spun threads of the parklands tapestry in greater Paris. Identification of various hallmarks of premiere park-building eras imbues individual parks with multi-dimensional qualities and allows readers to experience these grand green places in the way that Parisians do.
Hardcover $78.00, ISBN 978-3-936681-51-2 | Click here to order
Parcs et jardins de Paris et ses environs
Depuis plus de 350 années, les Parisiens conçoivent et préservent des espaces publiques phénoménaux en extérieur. Dans ce livre, Jacqueline Widmar Stewart suit les fils fins de la tapisserie des parcs autour de Paris. L’identification de diverses caractéristiques des époques où ils ont commencé peut donner àchacun des parc des qualités multi-dimensionnelles, tout en permettant la découverte des grands espaces verts à la manière des Parisiens.
Hardcover Euro 49.90, US $56.00, ISBN 978-3-86905-007-2 | Click here to order
The second edition
Finding Slovenia
Now in its 7th printing, the award-winning book guides visitors to a rich enjoyment of a spectacular land. Slovenians prize their mountains, forests, and seacoast, and welcome others to join them in lifting both glass and fork. Castles, thermal springs, riverside walkways, and charming architecture reflect the country’s long cultural heritage of natural and historic preservation.
First published in 2009, with 7 print runs
Now available from publisher Mladinska knjiga
Online and in Slovenia
Finding Slovenia
A Guide to old Europe’s New Country
Now in its 7th printing, the award-winning book guides visitors to a rich enjoyment of a spectacular land. Slovenians prize their mountains, forests, and seacoast, and welcome others to join them in lifting both glass and fork. Castles, thermal springs, riverside walkways, and charming architecture reflect the country’s long cultural heritage of natural and historic preservation.
Hardcover $29.95, ISBN: 978-961-01-0851-1 | Click here to order
The Glaciers’ Treasure Trove
A field guide to the Lake Michigan Riviera
Five parks at the southern tip of Lake Michigan endow it with beautifully preserved beaches and wooded dunes. From its glacial past, moraines, fossils, and finely ground quartz sands give the area a quality unlike any other, and the lighting here makes it an artists’ haven. The author explores the geological and philanthropical history of the area; its proximity to Chicago by rail and boat brings together the best of natural and urban worlds.
ISBN: 0-9727484-7-4 | Click here to order
Une histoire de l’Europe
des Celtes & de la Liberté
En entrant dans le monde des Celtes, réfléchissez au rôle des femmes et à la façon dont ce rôle a changé sous l’influence de Rome et de la religion. Le savoir-faire exquis associé aux femmes préchrétiennes ajoute une dimension fascinante. Pendant des siècles, cet art - ainsi que les femmes elles-mêmes - a été largement condamné par les autorités religieuses.
S’il vous plaît être ouvert d’esprit. Une nouvelle preuve des compétences techniques et communicatives étonnantes des Celtes doit surmonter les stéréotypes de longue date des hordes barbares. On sait maintenant que les liens familiaux d’origine se prolongent jusqu’à nos jours. Les populations actuelles ont plus que jamais besoin de l’ancienne administration celtique du pays et des sages lois de la nature.
ISBN-10 : 1701898462 | SBN-13 : 978-1701898462 | Click here to order
Eine Geschichte Europas, Kelten & Freiheit
Neue Funde erfordern einen neuen Blick auf Frauen in der europäischen Geschichte. Vergrabene Schätze zeigen immer überzeugender, dass die alten Kelten in Europa Frauen so schätzten wie spätere Reiche nicht. Die Archäologie entdeckt große Unterschiede zwischen diesen familienzentrierten Bevölkerungsgruppen und dem Römischen Reich, die ihre Expansion durch Eroberung, Besetzung und Versklavung der keltischen Völker befeuerten. In den letzten 2000 Jahren hat der institutionalisierte Sexismus Roms elitäre Männerherrschaft bis in die Gegenwart getragen.
ISBN-10 : 1796984418 | ISBN-13 : 978-1796984415 | Click here to order
Zgodovina Evrope, Keltov in Svobode
Nove najdbe zahtevajo nov pogled na ženske v evropski zgodovini. Vse prepričljivejše zakopani zakladi kažejo, da so stari Kelti v Evropi cenili ženske na edinstven način, kar pa ne velja za poznejše imperije. Arheologija odkriva velike razlike med tem družinsko usmerjenim prebivalstvom in rimskim cesarstvom, se je širilo z osvajanjem, zasedbo in zasužnjevanjem keltskih ljudstev. Za zadnjih 2000 letih je za Rim značilna institucionalizirana moška dominacija.
Slovenski prevod e-knjige je brezplačen za prenos. Prosim, uživajte!
Books we recommend
Our two most valuable resources have been Terry Jones' Barbarians and Spencer Wells' The Human Journey. Most authorities on Antiquity tend to treat Celts like dinosaurs, a closed chapter. From what we see, Celts are still very much alive all over Europe and Britain. That said, seminal references by Miranda Green and Barry Cunliffe provide key information about Celtic design, living style, and architecture in particular. One caveat: we see no indication of any Celtic religious practices.