University Club of Chicago, July 26, 2018

Paean to Ancestral Women

All hail to you, mothers of eld
Hail to your sons and your daughters.
All of them breathe because of you
They owe their strength to your power.

You are the ones who protected their world
You built the Europe of yore 
Though conquerors claimed it 
and many defamed it 
Your wisdom and leadership soared.

You have borne the families here now
You fled with forbearers and hid them
You fought to the end, defended the fort
All while you nourished and led them.

Too long you’ve stayed buried down deep
Away from the knowing eye,
Kept from your place up here in the sun
Where lineage live now and thrive.

Now is your time, o prescient ones;
Now is the time to acknowledge.
Let history herald you and your kin
All hail to you and your knowledge.

