Press Release:  HIDDEN WOMEN

Palo Alto, California.  Lexicus Press announces publication of HIDDEN WOMEN: 

A History of Europe Celts and Freedom.

            New finds call for another look at women in European history. Ever more convincingly, buried treasures show that Europe’s ancient Celts valued females in ways that later empires did not.  Archaeology is uncovering vast differences between these family-centric populations and the Roman Empire that fueled its expansion by conquest, occupation and enslavement of Celtic peoples.  Over the past 2000 years, institutionalized sexism has carried Rome’s elitist male domination all the way to the present.

            Along with the riches that have been found in women’s burial chambers, excavations across the continent reveal a surprising consistency in technological capabilities, communication and trade networks of Iron Age Celts. Ancient tombs and treasure troves throughout Great Britain, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovenia give insights into a formerly vibrant culture that is no longer recognized.     
            Hidden Women brings vantage views into this wealthy, productive, nature- loving, Iron Age civilization.
            “Tracking pre-Christian ancestors has revolutionized our understanding of Europe and woven together loose threads that have made no sense,” according to Jacqueline Widmar Stewart.  “The greatest bonus is that we now feel connected all over Europe - wherever we travel, we are at home.  We hope that the book will give readers the same sense of a rich, pan-European heritage - and help give Celts their due.”

            Other books by Jacqueline Widmar Stewart:
Parks and Gardens in Greater Paris,
Parcs et jardins de Paris et ses environs - English and French language editions, and Champagne Regained - all three published by Edition Axel Menges, Stuttgart;
Finding Slovenia, published by Mladinska knjiga, Ljubljana and
The Glaciers’ Treasure Trove, published by Lexicus Press, Palo Alto.
            The author is a graduate of the University of Colorado and the University of Michigan where she received degrees in the French and German languages.  She earned a Doctor of Jurisprudence degree from Stanford Law School.  European studies include a classics program in Athens, Greece, German language at the University of Bonn in Germany and Slovenian language at the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia. 

5 x 8 inches.  180 pp, 101 full-color images.  6 poems.
Available on Amazon, both in e-book and in paperback.
ISBN 978-0-9727484-1-4.   $9.95.
ISBN 978-1-9735597-4-0. $24.95.

Questions and Answers

HIDDEN WOMEN:  A History of Europe, Celts and Freedom
By Jacqueline Widmar Stewart

Why is this book important? What does it tell us that we didn’t already know?  
            This book analyzes the causes of sexism in a new way, from the vantage point of knowing that 2000 years ago women were revered in society.
            Another revelation is that before Europe was divided it was connected.  Knowing that makes it possible to detect who benefited from chopping up the continent.
            A third reason is the sense of relief at knowing that our ancestors were not roving ravagers clubbing each other.  We have just scratched the surface in determining the scope of innovation and achievement in the Iron Age.  With scientific advances. discoveries are possible on a scale that has been unthinkable in the past. 

Why did you write this book?  How did the book come about?
         You have to understand my background.  All four of my grandparents immigrated from Slovenia.  How they could they leave this enchanted land?  I’ve tried to figure it out through law, language and literature, architecture, archaeology and genetics.
What literary devices do you use to convey your ideas?
            In HIDDEN WOMEN, I’ve used an ancient technique of Boethius and Petronius called prosimetric which combines prose and poetry.  Photographs carry the narrative, perhaps even better than words.

Celts in Europe?  Weren’t they in Ireland?
            Celts are in Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England but they were all over Europe too. France, Belgium, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia.  Finds from the Iron Age demonstrate the vast territories inhabited by Celtic people because they carried the technology of making iron and steel across Europe.  

This book spans thousands of years and an entire continent.  Isn’t that too much to take on?
            I consider this approach to be essential.  By looking across many lands and centuries, consistencies emerge that would not be noticeable on a smaller scale, This becomes all the more critical in the absence of the entire secular record.

What’s been the biggest surprise from conducting your research?
            My biggest surprise is the beauty of the Iron Age world.  I have always loved medieval tapestry and illuminated manuscripts, and I see that our ancestors shared those passions for nature-based art too.   

Who stands most to gain from your findings?
            Of course, women will benefit, but so will society as a whole.  Our values have been knocked so far out of whack for so long.  Once family reassumes its place as the highest priority, everyone across the board will benefit, but especially the children.

