Local Authors Festival
Are you looking for a good book to read? At the Local Authors Festival, which was held on Sunday April 3 at the Rinconada Library, authors shared stories that ranged from Paris to a cruise adventure to toxicology. Besides speaking, the authors were available for book signing.
As library customers entered the south doors, they were met by a festive scene. Balloons decorated the breezeway, and authors were sitting at tables with their books ready for purchase. Before entering the Embarcadero room, programs were on a table along with name tags for the authors and a floral that was a single white rose.
Each author spoke for twenty minutes. During their talk, the authors shared how they became interested in writing and their motivation for writing their book.
Jacqueline Widmar Stewart has always loved French culture. Later when she took up photography, she combined her two interests to produce exquisite coffee table books on Paris and France. Jacqui wrote in her blog, “Kudos to Palo Alto on its new forum. Like bouquinistes lining the Seine on a Sunday, writers amid stacks of tomes received their readers along the breezeway corridor. Here’s wishing the city an equally distinguished literary future.”
Imagine taking a cruise with other wealthy men only to return and learn that you could be a pauper. That’s what happened to some of the individuals on the Millionaires Cruise by Don McPhail. Don said, “The Rinconada Library audience was quite welcoming and widely read, and it is clear that they love their library!”
Alan Wu shared a story from his book, Toxicology. It is a tale of two college boys who came home for the holidays. One attended school on the East Coast, and one attended school on the West Coast. Upon returning to school, both became ill. The West Coast student was correctly diagnosed and was immediately treated with antibiotics. On the other hand, the health center for the East Coast student thought that it was the flu. One lived and one died. The West Coast student lived.
Authors presenting or signing were: Dante Drummond (Homeward Bound); Susan Edelman (Be Your Own Brand of Sexy); SuAnn and Kevin Kiser (Sherman the Sheep); Liz Lee (The House at 844 1⁄2); Jean Libby (John Brown Photo Chronology); Don McPhail (Millionaires Cruise); Stuart Rojstaczer (Mathematician’s Shiva); Elizabeth (Betty) Schneider (Forbidden Friends); Peter Stangl (Painted Pebbles); Jacqueline Stewart (Parks and Gardens in Greater Paris); Alan Wu (Toxicology).